The team ends the discussion with our frustration with politics in general and what should we look forward to with the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party. Is money still going to dictate how elections are ran and won? Are we looking for the right candidates or is it the old politicians still running Congress and fooling the electorate?
Thoughts about the Democratic presidential field
The team goes backwards and talk about the candidates that are going up in the polls, dropping out of the polls and who is the person anyone can subscribe to. The focus really is on the people of color that aren’t doing well. And sadly how Kamala Harris imploded.
On The road to impeachment
The team gather all the previous news leading up to the evidence for impeachment and wonder if this feels more like a win than the Mueller investigation. We speak about the republican approach and is this really going to make a difference to impeach Trump or will the Democrats create a solid case. Also what is Mitt Romney going to do with his party to impeach in the Senate.
2019 Democratic presidential debates
The team debates how the candidates did at presidential debates for the democrats. We assess the front runners, the people who should drop off as well as the perception that women and many others are tired of the old white men running for office. Chaz goes with the comedian on stage analogy of who has the best new material that people can be gravitate to. Aaaaand what is it about Biden that is making people nervous?
Are you ready for the democratic Presidential candidates and documentaries
The team jumps into our thoughts on the dem’s running and what is the criteria to get on stage for the upcoming debates. We debate the Facebook vs. Twitter information deal and how information is critical. We also end the show talking about the Chernobyl HBO series and the Netflix series “When they see us” by Ava Duvenay. Which will be part of our upcoming Podcast.
Is it closer to impeachment and wassup with the Democratic Candidates?
This week the guys debate the new info coming out revealing the alleged wrong doing by the president as well as the criminality of everyone surrounding Trump. we also discuss our assumptions of the democratic contenders for president. Especially Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris that we seen recently on the talking heads show.
War between the 3 branches of government
The Team gets together to discuss the so called Constitutional crises going on based on the Executive branch using their power to usurp the authority of Congress or really the Democratic majority in the House of representatives. If Trump gets away with this, can this change the way we will govern from now on? Also the Abortion laws springing up around the country from numerous states
How was your tax return?
The team jumps off topic by getting some feedback from everyone about their supposedly good tax cut last year and what really happened to them. Interesting perspective from three different people filing differently . Also closing out the week in politics while trying to keep up with Chaz’s ADD. lol
What do you feel about the image of the Democratic Party, now?
We jump into the new and fresh ideas of the democratic presidential candidates as well as the the House of representatives that are pushing the tenured representatives. We toss it around to each other to see how each of us feel about how the Democratic Party is going. We feel a little stuck on the message and the real direction we are headed to. And we finish off our thoughts about the the final Mueller report turned into the AG.
Who is running for 2020? Should we look at a Republican?
The team takes a look at the politicians jumping into the 2020 race and we think about the republican possible candidates that can possibly get Democrats to switch over based on what is being offered. The ex CIA acting director Mccabe speaks out with his new book and how much of the Mueller probe is making the team feel confident.
Starting off 2019 with a lot of political brouhaha
So many questions and unknowns that is going on in the white house, dealing with this shut down with one of our cohost mad as hell. We discuss politics based on the motion picture “Vice” Vice president Dick Cheney. And are we waiting on how the next fear tactics will save the Trump presidency?
Another Government shut down and that wall again.
The team jumps into the beginning of the year almost the same way we did last year. A government shut down Only this year it’s Trump who proudly said he would shut the government down and it would be his fault. Sadly he gets amnesia and blames everyone else but himself. We also talk about the changes in the democratic party.
November elections and the Democrats change in leadership
We roll into our next session about the state of the Democratic party and the Republican ability to sustain their messages. Who will be the new Democratic leadership, who will be the presidential candidate and will the old guard step down and open the party up for new leadership. We kinda end with quick news recap of the previous week.
International Tariffs and the failing Democratic party
The team returns and jumps on the dumb but controversial policy of trade tariffs and the American workers. And for some reason, we can not get off criticizing the democratic party and how there is no strategy, message or candidate that will make any of us feel theres a chance. Sigh!!
Does the media get a good grade for the first half of the year?
The team gets together and discuss Trump creating Battlestar Gallactica/Star Trek force to protect space. Yeah, thats what I said. Also we talk about what the media is really doing this year compared to the previous year as well as Some of the decisions made by the supreme court. We were a day late on the Kennedy resignation. And we almost missed what went on during the G7 summit. We alsp delve into the racist policies and discuss fear vs. racism. A very interesting discussion.
The Government shutdown 2018 /Rethink the 2020 election
Tonight we really get into the most spineless unnecessary actions the democrats have done in quite some time. Shutting down the government and opening it with nothing in hand to negotiate with. also the numerous political shenanigans in one freakin week. including the deputy FBI director stepping down and a reckless memo the congress voted to release.
Trumps racism, conspiracy theories and Celebrity politics
This episode the team steps into the current debate (Or is it) about Trump being a racist based on his comments about Black countries being shithole countries. We dive into the possiblity of more celebrity politicians and if this will be the new normal. Once again the conspiracies fly when we talk about Hawaii, fire and fury and other hilarious political shenanigans. .
Weekly Predictions from Rethink Politics

We went long on our last podcast episode of REPO, so we added this predictions podcast to a totally separate episode while adding in some weird opinions on what ever came to mind. UFO's, PBS and the sexual freaks on their network.