white house

Starting off 2019 with a lot of political brouhaha

So many questions and unknowns that is going on in the white house, dealing with this shut down with one of our cohost mad as hell. We discuss politics based on the motion picture “Vice” Vice president Dick Cheney. And are we waiting on how the next fear tactics will save the Trump presidency?

Controversy over WHCD and addressing Trumps accomplishments

The Team talks about this years White house correspondence dinner.  Michelle Wolf kills and everyone is up in arms about her comments.  Especially the comments about Sarah Huckerbee Sanders.  We also discuss a conversation I had with a conservative about Trumps accomplishments.  I also get to play a villain this week.  Role playing as a Trump supporting conservative.  

Teachers, EPA, Michael Cohen raid and out with the old democrats Part 2

Our part two session of REPO goes into the education system with teachers, The ignorance of the EPA secretary with his lavish MC sound booth purchases.  We swing back to the Michael Cohen raid and Mueller's involvement once again with the white house. Bolton (Mr Mustache) gets the new position as National Security Advisor.  Craziness ensues.