north Korea

The US/ North Korean Summit and The lack of purpose by the DNC

The team jumps in with the opinions about the how our diplomacy has changed under the Trump administration.  With the North Korean / US summit completed, we're not sure what we got out of the summit as a nation.  With a twist to presidential legacies, What do we feel about legacies with presidential people or performers?  Also what will be next with Mike Pence and what will the democrats bring to the table for the next General elections and lets make room for women.  Especially with the DNC still not organized enough to represent the people. 

Foreign Policy and whats header our way in politics

As we roll in to a slow week (relatively speaking) Looking at the foreign policy around the world, our administration has not done anything to engage the world and stabilize the threats in Korea,, Syria, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Israel and our Allies.  A quick talk about the Cohen investigation and what the future will look like under Pence or Trump getting away and running again.

Political predictions and the Politics of the Grammys

Here's our recap of the predictions and our input of the Grammys politics and is Hip Hop/Rap really getting shunned as being a competing genre in Music? Is China secretly trying to be the world power? Is prostitution  the viable choice for weird dudes being charged for sexual abuse.  And damn did you see look on Jay Z face at the grammys?

Trumps racism, conspiracy theories and Celebrity politics

This episode the team steps into the current debate (Or is it) about Trump being a racist based on his comments about Black countries being shithole countries. We dive into the possiblity of more celebrity politicians and if this will be the new normal.  Once again the conspiracies fly when we talk about Hawaii, fire and fury and other hilarious political shenanigans. .  
