local government

Restoring the freedom of the press and the White house Chaos

The guys return to discuss a little press freedom given to our country from the Constitution. If there is a way to get to Trump through the Mueller investigation, Congress or what ever. We discuss our conflicting views of the condition of the Trump white house and is the change in the house is really something that will change the country.

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After the shake up (Election day 2018)

The guys come together to discuss the ongoing election results, the results from the primaries, the firing of the AG Sessions and so much more.  Our recap will be lively confusing and somewhat optimistic.  Even though the Democrats did well, we talk about the future with the new House, female congress boost and the many Governor changes in the states, Pelosi leadership and female leadership on the republican side.

November elections and the Democrats change in leadership

We roll into our next session about the state of the Democratic party and the Republican ability to sustain their messages.  Who will be the new Democratic leadership, who will be the presidential candidate and will the old guard step down and open the party up for new leadership.  We kinda end with quick news recap of the previous week.

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Russian Questions and the battle for Government dominance

The crew discusses the Russian summit and the ridiculous show Trump put on in front of the world and we talk about politics going forward to the November primaries.  When also talk about the local government elections in the state and  touch on the lack of coverage in the media locally and nationally. O btw we debate Obama as well

Donald Trump and Political Turmoil Part II


We continue our Political turmoil Podcast with multiple threats that keeps us on our toes and more involved in our communities.  We touch the Democratic party lack of clear leadership.  Local resources, The threat of imminent war with North Korea and thoughts of the political climate that makes us so unsure of our place in the world.