Welcome back to REPO where we set our sites on the new bills enacted in Georgia to restrict voters rights. We talk about the impact historically as well as what it means to society and businesses if they stand on the outside not throwing their hat in the ring for their consumers and employees.
War between the 3 branches of government
The Team gets together to discuss the so called Constitutional crises going on based on the Executive branch using their power to usurp the authority of Congress or really the Democratic majority in the House of representatives. If Trump gets away with this, can this change the way we will govern from now on? Also the Abortion laws springing up around the country from numerous states
Trump collecting W's and What network can compete with the Fox network
We start with 2 weeks ago when we didn’t have time to chime in on the Cohen hearings, then the Manafort weak convictions. The frustration we all felt was after all the investigation and information that came out. Trump seems to be getting a lot of W’s. Also which major news network can compete with Fox. Also, is bashing a dead man ok? Damn!!!
Music by: Yung Katz
Who is running for 2020? Should we look at a Republican?
The team takes a look at the politicians jumping into the 2020 race and we think about the republican possible candidates that can possibly get Democrats to switch over based on what is being offered. The ex CIA acting director Mccabe speaks out with his new book and how much of the Mueller probe is making the team feel confident.
The Government shutdown 2018 /Rethink the 2020 election
Tonight we really get into the most spineless unnecessary actions the democrats have done in quite some time. Shutting down the government and opening it with nothing in hand to negotiate with. also the numerous political shenanigans in one freakin week. including the deputy FBI director stepping down and a reckless memo the congress voted to release.
Trumps racism, conspiracy theories and Celebrity politics
This episode the team steps into the current debate (Or is it) about Trump being a racist based on his comments about Black countries being shithole countries. We dive into the possiblity of more celebrity politicians and if this will be the new normal. Once again the conspiracies fly when we talk about Hawaii, fire and fury and other hilarious political shenanigans. .
Weekly Predictions from Rethink Politics

We went long on our last podcast episode of REPO, so we added this predictions podcast to a totally separate episode while adding in some weird opinions on what ever came to mind. UFO's, PBS and the sexual freaks on their network.