
How do you control or ban Racism out of the American culture

The team ends this 2 part session with our take on white supremacy and racism. We debate the way to deal with it and E coined a new phrase, "Tanks for Racist" Listen all the way through, because we end this session with a lively discussion on the merits of this policy similar to toys for tots.

How do you control or ban Racism out of the American culture
Bougie Black Brother

Welcome to a new year of impeding disaster 2021


Happy New year!!This is Repo's fourth year and we start this year with confusion and relief. The team gets together with a rapid fire recap of the events from the recount, insurrection and the inability of the democrats to fight back. This 2 part session starts the year off with our thoughts pinging off the walls and microphones.

Welcome to a new year of impeding disaster 2021
Bougie Black Brother

Postmortem of the 2020 general election

The team gets back together after a few weeks after the election to collect our thoughts about the Vaccine, aftermath of the election results and what does the upcoming Georgia election do for the future with or without Sen. McConnell influence.

Postmortem of the 2020 general election
Bougie Black Brother

Whats next for 2021 Politics and the both parties

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The team ends the discussion with our frustration with politics in general and what should we look forward to with the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party. Is money still going to dictate how elections are ran and won? Are we looking for the right candidates or is it the old politicians still running Congress and fooling the electorate?

Whats next for 2021 Politics and the both parties
Bougie Black Brother

Welcome back to the Pre and Post 2020 Election Part II

We return with the election night emotional rollercoaster as well as fear for our country falling down further. We continue with our assessment of the DNC and if we would see the Democratic Party take advantage of the new found power they have or will they cower again and give in to the republicans.

Welcome back to the Pre and Post 2020 Election Part II
Bougie Black Brother

Welcome back to the Pre and Post 2020 Election Part I

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Welcome back to the REPO team getting in our thoughts for the Election. We split it up into a before during and after. We naturally critique the Democrat's for their weakness but criticize both sides for the dilemma we are in as a nation.

Welcome back to the Pre and Post 2020 Election Part I
Bougie Black Brother

Battle ground/Swing states and Black Lives Matter movement

The team starts back up with trying to define what states are more relevant than others and then we talk about the elephants in the room the civil unrest and the military occupying cities.  We also give props to "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder and how we should follow this play book to look out for dictatorships.

We end with our personal contribution to Black Lives Matter and how anyone and everyone should do something

Battle ground/Swing states and Black Lives Matter movement
Bougie black brother

Mental illness, Kanye West, Trump and just trying to damn vote

Today we talk a little on Kanye busting on stage once again to disrupt the news feed while thinking about how people with mental illness can effect other peoples lives.  We also jump ready into the fear of not having your voice heard by not being able to vote.

Mental illness, Kanye West, Trump and just trying to damn vote
Bougie Black Brother

Jokes, rumors guns and miss information during 2020

With all of the nonsense going on, we talk about the humor and information that is out and the people who are looking at any reason to rebel using free rights and civil liberties as the excuse. But in the end there is no humor in racism and debating anyone who doesn’t understand there is privilege for some more than others.. Also what's your thought about Black people with guns who just wants to protect them selves?

Jokes, rumors guns and miss information during 2020
Bougie black brother

Is America the next Rome or the Next Russia?


After a few months Hiatus, the team gets together to discuss the Covd19 pandemic. We talk education, awareness and information. We also speak to how it affects us personally. With the dangers being put out there. We debate what our thoughts are during this crises.

Is America the next Rome or the Next Russia?
Bougie Black Brother

Voter differences by gender, race, geographical region

The team breaks off and debates about perception with cultural differences when it comes to voters.  The team breaks up about the NATO leaders roasting the president when he wasn’t there. Can we really rely on any of the democrats to show up strong enough to challenge Trump but in turn normalize the country to get back to normalcy. really?? Big up to E for giving us the blueprint for changing Georgia to Blue. Virginia!!!

Voter differences by gender, race, geographical region
Bougie Black Brother

On The road to impeachment

The team gather all the previous news leading up to the evidence for impeachment and wonder if this feels more like a win than the Mueller investigation. We speak about the republican approach and is this really going to make a difference to impeach Trump or will the Democrats create a solid case.  Also what is Mitt Romney going to do with his party to impeach in the Senate.


On the road to impeachment
Bougie Black Brother

Is America beyond repair?

The team jump backs in and discuss the electorate either being complacent or is America truly a racist or naive society. Frustration and unbelief seems to be the weekly feeling with the Congress and executive branch with their chaos and being uncooperative on a weekly basis

Is America beyond repair?
Bougie black brother

2019 Democratic presidential debates

The team debates how the candidates did at presidential debates for the democrats. We assess the front runners, the people who should drop off as well as the perception that women and many others are tired of the old white men running for office. Chaz goes with the comedian on stage analogy of who has the best new material that people can be gravitate to. Aaaaand what is it about Biden that is making people nervous?

2019 Democratic presidential debates
Bougie Black Brother

Are you ready for the democratic Presidential candidates and documentaries

The team jumps into our thoughts on the dem’s running and what is the criteria to get on stage for the upcoming debates. We debate the Facebook vs. Twitter information deal and how information is critical. We also end the show talking about the Chernobyl HBO series and the Netflix series “When they see us” by Ava Duvenay. Which will be part of our upcoming Podcast.

Are you ready for the democratic Presidential candidates and documentaries
Bougie Black Brother

Is it closer to impeachment and wassup with the Democratic Candidates?

This week the guys debate the new info coming out revealing the alleged wrong doing by the president as well as the criminality of everyone surrounding Trump.  we also discuss our assumptions of the democratic contenders for president.  Especially Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris that we seen recently on the talking heads show.  

Is it closer to impeachment and wassup with the Democratic Candidates
Bougie black brother

War between the 3 branches of government

The Team gets together to discuss the so called Constitutional crises going on based on the Executive branch using their power to usurp the authority of Congress or really the Democratic majority in the House of representatives. If Trump gets away with this, can this change the way we will govern from now on? Also the Abortion laws springing up around the country from numerous states

War between the 3 branches of government
Bougie Black Brother

How was your tax return?

The team jumps off topic by getting some feedback from everyone about their supposedly good tax cut last year and what really happened to them. Interesting perspective from three different people filing differently . Also closing out the week in politics while trying to keep up with Chaz’s ADD. lol

How was your Tax return?
bougie Black Brother

Trump collecting W's and What network can compete with the Fox network

We start with 2 weeks ago when we didn’t have time to chime in on the Cohen hearings, then the Manafort weak convictions. The frustration we all felt was after all the investigation and information that came out. Trump seems to be getting a lot of W’s. Also which major news network can compete with Fox. Also, is bashing a dead man ok? Damn!!!

Music by: Yung Katz

Trump collecting W's and What network can compete with the Fox network
Bougie Black Brother

Back to the Wall and American Literacy

This week the team comes back to discuss the conclusion of the shutdown as well as the repercussion of Trump issuing a state of emergency to take border wall funds from the department of defense. Then we have a brief discussion of our literacy of our fellow citizens. Based on how the government is ran and how to enunciate what you are reading. Sorry, we just found humor in this.

Back to the wall and American Literacy
Bougie Black Brother