The team talks about the issues the AAPI community is experiencing based on the climate created by TRUMP with the Corona virus origins. We give Biden a grade on how he's been doing for his first 60 -90 days. Also we talk about the amount of news and alerts we are glued to recently or what fills our day other than Trump.
Back to Georgia again with this Voting &#$@
Welcome back to REPO where we set our sites on the new bills enacted in Georgia to restrict voters rights. We talk about the impact historically as well as what it means to society and businesses if they stand on the outside not throwing their hat in the ring for their consumers and employees.
How do you control or ban Racism out of the American culture
The team ends this 2 part session with our take on white supremacy and racism. We debate the way to deal with it and E coined a new phrase, "Tanks for Racist" Listen all the way through, because we end this session with a lively discussion on the merits of this policy similar to toys for tots.
Where are the black leaders (1960's - 2020)?
This week we have different conversation about leadership in the black community compared to the 60’s and now. Has activism changed based on the people or is it because of social media and the class divide among African Americans?
Racial violence, psychological isolation, and the psychology of being black
The team talks about the resurgence of racial violence and harassment that we didn’t think would be occurring during a global pandemic. Also is this isolation affecting people mentally to react in violent ways. Domestic violence, divorce, etc.
Addressing Racist policy, White nationalist and White Supremacy
We get back into the the racist policies that seems to be increasing in the United States and abroad. We speak about Trumps team and sort of compare his legacy to George Bush’s presidency. Its hard not to see the bias of the Trumps administration.
Then we drop into defining Racism, White nationalism and White supremacy. We actual speak to experience and continuous dangerous intent to eliminate people of color and demeaning women.
Racial prejudice, Democratic Freshmen, Wanting to belong and group think to a detriment
We break off into the controversy of Trumps Tweets about the Freshmen democrats. We discuss why the GOP and certain people will support traditions, schools and what ever they feel makes them feel like they belong or part of sometime of group. Back to the R.Kelly, Michael Jackson condemnation. Did Mueller do the right thing?
Should Young Millennial professionals relocate under the current climate?
As a follow up from our last Podcast. We jump in to a topic that may seem pretty extreme but it has been going on for years with black professionals, artist and lately career opportunities. We discuss from 3 different perspectives. Under the current conditions in the United States. Should Millennials leave the country for safety and a different life?
Trumps racism, conspiracy theories and Celebrity politics
This episode the team steps into the current debate (Or is it) about Trump being a racist based on his comments about Black countries being shithole countries. We dive into the possiblity of more celebrity politicians and if this will be the new normal. Once again the conspiracies fly when we talk about Hawaii, fire and fury and other hilarious political shenanigans. .