Former scientist Galen Erso lives on a farm with his wife and young daughter Jyn. His peaceful existence comes crashing down when the evil Orson Krennic takes him away from his beloved family. Many years later, Galen is now the Empire's lead engineer for the most powerful weapon in the galaxy, the Death Star. Knowing that her father holds the key to its destruction, a vengeful Jyn joins forces with a spy and other resistance fighters to steal the space station's plans for the Rebel Alliance
I went to this new Star Wars flick with high expectations. J.J Abrams previous addition to the Star Wars anthology was a good first effort for a come back. But this was supposed to be a true jump off to the franchise with new directors and not the same old George Lucas, Steven Spielberg happy go lucky cutesy story line. I'm a Star Wars fan but not a fanatic. I got to see every addition to the franchise and 80% of the movies at the IMAX theater (not the first trilogy). I was part of the group yelling about the prequels to be directed by someone else but still supported the franchise. It was difficult to hope that Lucas would all of sudden change his direction with how the franchise would go but it never happen. We all cheered when he relinquished his control to Disney and they put it into the hands of J.J Abrams. We began to submit our wish list of directors and people and story lines we wanted to see. From the animated versions to the Star War books. So when we heard that we were going to see a stand alone version of the franchise i was like O boy, what's going to happen now. The story line? - rebels try to get the blueprints to the Death Star to give to rebel resistance. So who could director a movie that could be suspenseful, stay within the Sci Fi genre and respect the fans to say thank you. In comes Gareth Edwards!!
I first came into contact with Gareth when I was given the recommendation for his movie he wrote and directed called Monsters . Which made me watch his second epic which was Godzilla. I know most of you are like Godzilla? Really? Yup Godzilla. The way he presented the movie and the character was pretty amazing and modern. One of the things he was able to show brilliantly was not focusing on the details of the special effects, but made you focus on the scene and the why. His great feat was keeping you interested from within the shadows. His movies are dark with great altering back and forward to light atmospheres and dark. So watching these two movies gave me a good image of what was in store for Rogue One.
The story tells us about a family that has history with the empire but made a decision to walk away. But like every other Star Wars flick. No one walks away from the empire. They come for the father who is a scientist and they need him back for their Grand project. The Death Star. But his daughter Jyn gets away and joins a rebel group led by the brilliantly played Forest Whitaker. We don't see her involvement with the rebels but we see her skills she picked up while she survives on her own. We are introduced to a few other rebels that are ruthless and know they have to do things that aren't really kosher. This is a definite change from the other Star War series. We see the desperation and on top of all of that. The strong power of the Empire. You knew the empire was in control in the other movies but this movie you see the cruelness and cold destruction caused by the empire. I actually felt more angry at their Nazi cold actions than before. Jyn is picked up by the Rebel alliance and sent on a mission tells her we know who your father is and we need information. The superficial mission was to capture him. The real mission was to kill his ass. We see these rebel hunters as real hunters and anarchist. They are hardened and loyal to the cause. Not in a light hearted hero way but in a desperation to live and their people to live. This movie if you haven't all ready heard it is a war movie. Fighting and killing to survive or stay in charge. Beach front battles and air to air combat. No silly Ewoks to spoil the mood either. You did see Gareth throw a bone to the Star War fans with some cameos and little easter eggs from previous movies. I believe he did that to connect those back to the overall story instead of just creating a whole new one. As the modern era of Star wars movies hit the screen. This I feel is one of the best. Light a times but forward and steady of what supposed to be accomplished at any means necessary. Once again as the new series arise. The movie had great diversity with its characters from lead to supportive. Great fight scenes, good characters and great supporting story to the franchise. This is a movie worth seeing and explaining the movie doesn't give the movie its just due. The scope of the movie really was amazing in IMAX, but I don't think it really needed the 3D. JS. This will become a classic and like one critic already mentioned (Rogue One’s Gareth Edwards Shouldn’t Direct Another Star Wars Movie) He has done such a great job that they would place to high of an expectation to top this one. I think he gets it but don't want his talent to be trapped in this never ending Star War series. He has already dropped off the new Godzilla movie so hopefully he'll move to other things. Worth the peso's and Euro's.