
BCS Tech Conference (London UK) 2018

Alicia gets a chance to speak at the UK BCS conference in London and we get to tour the city With our new best Friends.  Charolette, her father Paul and Gen Ashley. We discuss her experience as a keynote speaker and how her talks have evolved in order to get people motivated and involved with women, minorities and young people with technology. Alicia lets us know her thoughts and feelings about the experience.

BCS brings together practitioners, academics, students and businesses in the UK and internationally. With our network of 100+ specialist and regional groups it’s easy to make new contacts and share discussion and ideas with like-minded people, whatever your area of interest.


Jeremy Likness at Connect Tech Conference 2017


On this Episode Alicia talks to Jeremy Likness about his time in tech and how he speaks at conferences.  Alicia Invited Jeremy to the Women who Code event but did not get to talk to one of the few men that spoke at their conference.  Here is her chance to give him some time.

Jeremy Likness is an experienced entrepreneur and technology executive who has successfully helped ship commercial enterprise software for 20 years. He specializes in catalyzing growth, developing ideas and creating value through delivering software in technical enterprises. His roles as business owner, technology executive and hands-on developer provided unique opportunities to directly impact the bottom line of multiple businesses by helping them grow and increase their organizational capacity while improving operational efficiency. 

First Uber now Google (diversity and sexism in Tech) Part II

Alicia and I continue with our discuss with how tech companies are failing to recognized the cultural challenges that they need to address in order to have a productive diverse staff.   Google started the conversation off from the previous podcast but we speak to the general observation that is not being addressed.